Phased Array Antenna
Research & Development Group (PAARD)
Advanced Radar Research Center
3190 Monitor Ave.
Norman OK 73019

Phased array, antenna, sub-terahertz

Phased array, antenna, sub-terahertz
Welcome to the Phased Array Antenna Research and Development Group (PAARD) webpage. PAARD's research specializes in active phased array antenna design and radar calibration. Our research group puts the emphasis on high performance antenna arrays for radar applications for microwave and mmWave. bands. Low-profile and low-cost active array antennas in brick and tile architectures using the latest technology in CMOS and GaN are under development for conventional and new radar architectures for multifunction radar systems. The PAARD is housed at the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) and in the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering of The University of Oklahoma.

Conventional and hybrid array antenna archit. for active dual-polarized phased array radars.
High-performance dual-polarized antenna elements.
Broadband antenna arrays.
Multiband & Reconfigurable arrays.
Artificial dielectric materials.
Radome design
Smart beam-forming antenna arrays
5G massive mimo active arrays
Millimiter (30 GHz to 110 GHz) antennas.
Sub-terahertz (110 GHz to 500 GHz)
EM modeling and material characterization.
Radome design, modeling and testing.
NF active antenna array calibration.
Tile and brick Transmit and Receive (T/R) modules.
Low-cost and high-integration active antenna arrays.
Antenna measurements and radar calibration. Using both conventional and UAV based techniques.
Fully automated characterization of antenna arrays.
Ultra compact HF, LHF and UHF antennas
Material characterization (Free-space method , 10 GHz 110 GHz)
Customized measurement systems (NF-planar, Cylyndrical, Compact range, etc.)

As mist becomes fog, the mice begin to scurry towards the tall, yellowing grass just as denial seeps into humanity. As such, the most significant challenge usually comes from the individuals that form society themselves when they refuse to see that a problem exists in the first place.
Andrea Salazar (Jan. 1, 2018)
UPAO-OU Collaboration Meeting
Dr. Salazar had a meeting with Martin Cueva, Humberto Enriquez, Filiberto Azavache, Saul Linares, and Marco Trujillo to discuss potential research collaboration on a new topic and to plan the recruitment of graduate students for the 2024 Master's program.

Posted on Aug. 10, 2024 1:22pm CDT
APAR/NCAR NSF-Middle Scale Project Kickoff Meeting
Dr. Salazar with Stephen Fraiser (UMass), Pablo Kollias (BNL) and Eric Loew (NCAR) at the NCAR Lab.

Posted on June. 17, 2024 1:22pm CDT
Congrats to the new MS Alexis, Sergio, Felipe, Marcelo and Liz!
🎓💫 Congratulations to Alexis Oblitas, Sergio Rodriguez, Luis Felipe Moncada, Marcelo Moreno, and Elizabeth Joyce on their remarkable achievement of earning MS degrees in Electrical Engineering 🎉.Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and I couldn't be prouder of each one of you!... 🌟👏

Posted on May. 13, 2024 5:02pm CDT
Congrats to Alexis Oblitas
Big shoutout to Alexis Oblitas from ARRC at OU, who scooped up a fancy paper award at the IEEE Antenna Measurements Techniques (AMTA) symposium! Alexis snagged a stellar 3rd place for his brainy research paper titled “Enhancing On-Chip Antenna mmWave Calibration: A Hybrid Multi-Axis Scanner Enabling Near-Field and Far-Field Measurements for Over-the-Air Calibration”. Alexis is doing EM applied research at the PAARD research team at ARRC/OU. Way to go, Alexis!
Posted on Oct. 10, 2023 2:02 pm CDT

Congrats to Dr. Salazar
Dr. Salazar has been chosen as the Technical Coordinator for 46th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), and have also been elected to the AMTA Board of Directors! It's an honor to join forces with such a dedicated community. With AMTA's rich history of fostering advancements in electromagnetic measurement technologies alongside IEEE, I'm looking forward to contributing to this legacy and the upcoming AMTA 2024 Symposium. Thanks to all AMTA members who supported my candidacy 🎉

Posted on Oct. 10, 2023 2:02 pm CDT
Congrats to the new Drs. Segales, Ccoillo, and Jehangir and MS. Burdi
🎓💫 Congratulations to our brilliant new ARRC/PAARD doctors and master's graduates! 🎉 Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off, and we couldn't be prouder of your remarkable achievements. 🌟👏 You've conquered countless challenges and have emerged as shining stars in your respective fields. This milestone is just the beginning of an exciting journey ahead, where you'll make a profound impact on the world. 🌍✨ We wish you continued success and fulfillment in all your future endeavors

Posted on MAY. 13, 2023 10:02pm CDT
"Hasta la vista Johan" see you in Fall !!!

Posted on March. 28, 2023 5:23 pm CDT
Welcome to Harrison Statham and Ryan Jones for joining PAARD team as new MS Grad. Students

Harrison Statham completed his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at The Georgia Institute of Technology in 2018. Since completing his undergraduate degree, Harrison has been employed by Keysight Technologies in Santa Rosa, California. While working for Keysight, Harrison has worked on next generation 5G mmWave transceiver systems and early 6G receivers and sources.

Ryan Jones completed his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at OU in 2006. Since then has been employed as a civilian by the United States Air Force at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma. While working for the Air Force, Ryan worked with automated testing for depot level avionics repair, developed software and analysis tools for an airborne AESA Radar System, and served as an Avionics Engineer in a system program office where he is currently the Avionics Integrity Program Technical Expert and an engineering team lead.
Posted on March. 03, 2023 9:45 pm CDT
Welcome to Johan Oblitas for joining as a new PAARD Intern

Johan Oblitas was born in Lima, Peru in 2002. He is an undergraduate Systems Engineering student at the University of Lima where most of his activities and knowledge are related to web development; programming in languages such as Java, Python, Javascript and C++; database management; data analysis and process management. He is currently doing an internship at the Advanced Radar Research Center, where he is working for the Phased Array Antenna Research and Development Group (PAARD) in the area of applying electromagnetics and remote sensing.
Posted on March. 03, 2023 8:23 pm CDT
Congratulations to the two new Doctors.
There is nothing more satisfying for a professor than to see their students turn their dreams into reality. Please join me in congratulating Nim Ccoillo Ramos and Antonio (Tony) Segalés for their successful Ph.D. defense. Both of you did an amazing job. Congratulations Dr. Segalés and Dr. Ccoillo! I am very proud of both of you.
Posted on Dec. 02, 2022 9:19 pm CDT
Congratulations to Dr. Salazar
Jorge Salazar-Cerreño, Ph.D. was honored in Peru on Nov. 25 by the Universidad Antenor Orrego, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1994, only this time he was presented the Doctor Honoris Causa. This honorary degree distinction is awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to their field.
Posted on Nov. 25. 2022, 11:00 p.m. CDT
Welcome to Marcelo Moreno for joining as a new PAARD MS Grad.

Marcelo F. Moreno Marin was born in La Paz, Bolivia in 1992. He received a B.S. degree in Electronics from the Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz in 2014, a Specialist degree in Embedded Systems from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2017 and he is currently working towards his M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. During his life as an engineer, he worked in several sectors of the industry from his natal country developing different solutions for control and automation. He establishes his own company in 2020 doing work in the home automation area and designing custom electronic systems for companies abroad. He is currently a Graduate Research Assistant working on a project aimed at developing a system with new technologies, power-efficient and low-cost for variable speed signals on Oklahoma highways. His research interests include embedded systems, PCB design, and product design and manufacture.
Posted on Aug. 22 2022 5:45 pm CDT
Welcome to new PAARD MS Grad. Students

Sergio Rodriguez
Alexis Oblitas
Mariel Avalos
Elizabeth Joyce
Felipe Moncada
Khuda Burdi
Posted on Aug. 21 2022 12:30 am CDT
3 New PAR journals on the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science (BAMS)
Posted on Aug. 21 2022 08:30 am CDT
Palmer, R., et. al. (2022). A Primer on Phased Array Radar Technology for the Atmospheric Sciences, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2022). Retrieved Aug 21, 2022. Link
Kollias, P., et al (2022). Science Applications of Phased Array Radars, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2021). Retrieved Aug 21, 2022. Link
Weber, M., et al. (2021). Towards the Next Generation Operational Meteorological Radar, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2021). Retrieved Aug 21, 2022. Link
Welcome Antonio Segales and Jorge Alva in joining PAARD team

Tony, an expert in UAV platforms joined PAARD team to complete his doctoral degree in a research in 3D wind estimation method for UAS in conjunction with the CopterSonde wind vane algorithm for vertical weather profiling.

Jorge Alva, instructor at the Universidad Antenor Orrego (Peru), expert in embedded systems, is joining OU/PAARD team to persue his doctoral degree in ECE.
Welcome to Elizabeth Joyce and Khuda Burdi
Posted on June 1, 2021 10:21 am CDT

Elizabeth and Khuda joined to PAARD team for summer internship program. Both are working in microwave and mm-wave antenna metrology.
PAARD/ARRC team implemented a state-of-the-art mmWave/Sub-terahertz Lab. at OU. The new Lab. enables research up to 300 GHz, that includes: Material characterization, antenna S-parameters, Near-field and Far-field antenna test.
Posted on May 15, 2021 10:00 pm CDT

Congratulations to Nim Ccoillo and Syed Jehangir
Posted on May 11, 2021 10:21 am CDT
Gallogly College of Engineering, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive the William H. Barkow Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. This award of $3500 recognizes your outstanding academic achievements

Gallogly College of Engineering, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive the William H. Barkow Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. This award of $3500 recognizes your outstanding academic achievements
Congratulations to the new ARRC Ph.D. Students !!!

Congratulations to my PAARD Ph.D.'s !!!
My heartfelt congratulation to Dr. Jose, Dr. Arturo, DR. Rodrigo, Dr. Javier. I am so very proud of all your accomplishments and the obstacles you have faced to get there!!!
Posted on May 15, 2021 10:00 pm CDT

Congratulations to my PAARD Ph.D.'s !!!
My heartfelt congratulation to Dr. Jose, Dr. Arturo, DR. Rodrigo, Dr. Javier. I am so very proud of all your accomplishments and the obstacles you have faced to get there!!!
Posted on May 15, 2021 10:00 pm CDT

Congratulations to Kevin!!!
Congratulation Kevin, I am glad to see you and meet your beautiful family.
Posted on May. 16, 2021 12:30 pm CDT

Congratulations to Nafati Aboserwal !!!
Recognition and Appreciation given by the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society for exceptional performance as a reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
Posted on March. 1, 2021 9:00 am CDT

Alexis Oblitas a PAARD/ARRC/OU Intern during COVID crisis
Alexis Oblitas a PARRD/ARRC undergrad intern of the University of Oklahoma complete successfully a fully-automated RF scanner for active phased array antenna test and calibration. Alexis a Peruvian student in Electrical Engineering from "La Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)", arrived at Norman Oklahoma, on Jan. 6th of 2020 to be an intern working under the supervision of Dr. Jorge Salazar in research related to phased array antenna technology. Due to the COVID crisis, Alexis stays at OU for almost 12 months. During this time, Alexis did an extraordinary job integrating sensors with graphical interfaces. The video below corresponds to his last project performed from Sept.- Dec. 2020. He integrated and active phased array antenna, and developed and an RF scanner using a robotic arm and VNA to test and calibrate the active phased array antenna. Great job Alexis!
Posted on Jan. 12, 2021 9:00 am CDT
2020 "the COVID year" was not easy at all. Our lab was closed for months, and working from home was challenging. Students kept working day and night to get work done and move on to the next steps of their careers. There is not more gratification for a professor than to see students finishing one of the biggest milestones in their lives. Five of my students graduated successfully this year. Congratulations!!! I'm very proud of all of you!!!
Posted on Dec. 09, 2020 9:12 pm CDT
Lab. session of 2020 Phased Array Antenna class at OU. Proud of my Lab. session of 2020 Phased Array Antenna class at the University of Oklahoma (OU). In this class, six active phased array antenna modules in S-band were developed by the PAAARD team. Each module has a dual-polarized S-band passive array, T/R modules, beam-former a 2-port VNA, RF probes, RF cables, cal-kit, etc. The students have the opportunity to learn how to measure mutual coupling and calibrate in near-field the array excitation using fundamental concepts learned during class. Later the validate calibration in NF or FF chamber at the RIL.
Posted on Nov. 11, 2020, 04:10 pm CD
More Congratulations for Arturo .... yeaaah!!!
I would like to congratulate to Arturo Umeyama for the WNI Scholarship award. Arturo is an outstanding graduate student that has demonstrated exceptional potential as a researcher. The technical skills he honed during the past four years have brought significant value to our team.... well deserved award!
Posted on Nov. 12, 2020. 1: 00 am CDT.
Congratulations Arturo for the best Dissertation Award !
ECE/ARRC graduate student Arturo Umeyama has received $5000 Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation of Excellence Awards. The award recognizes Ph.D. students who have achieved outstanding research results while encouraging them to complete their dissertations with excellence. Arturo is advised by Dr. Jorge Salazar, and his dissertation is focused on new in-situ UAV instrumentation for phased array radar calibration. Congratulations Artur on this outstanding achievement!.
Posted on Sep. 21, 2020 10:10 am CDT
I am very proud to introduce to Dr. Javier Alejandro Ortiz, a brand new Ph.D. in our antenna and radar community. His research is in phased array antenna technology addressing a very important challenge for dual-polarized radars. Yesterday, Javier defended successfully his dissertation titled "The Impact of Edge Diffraction in Dual-Polarized Phased Array Antennas." Congratulations Dr. Ortiz, PAARD team will miss you. Good luck with your new job at Raytheon.
Posted on Saturday, June 16. th , 2020 01:10 pm CDT
I am very proud to share Kevin Constien defended successfully his MS degree in Electrical Engineering at ECE/OU. His research is in phased array antenna technology addressing a fundamental research for dual-polarized radars. Congratulations Kevin, PAARD team will miss you. Good luck with your new job at Raytheon.
Posted on Saturday, July 31st, 2020 03:55 pm CDT
ARRC/GCoE graduate students Rodrigo Lebron Garcia, and Javier Ortiz have each received $5000 Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation of Excellence Awards. The award recognizes Ph.D. students who have achieved outstanding research results while encouraging them to complete their dissertations with excellence. Advised by Dr. Jorge Salazar, Rodrigo’s dissertation centers around techniques and instrumentation for active phased array calibration, and Javier’s dissertation involves the analytical modeling of the effects that diffraction have on phased array antennas with emphasis on the cross-polar patterns. Congratulations to all on this outstanding achievement!
Posted on Friday Feb 21, 2020 04:30 pm CST