Phased Array Antenna
Research & Development Group (PAARD)
Advanced Radar Research Center
3190 Monitor Ave.
Norman OK 73019

Graduate Courses
ECE 5973: Phased Array Antenna
Semester: Fall
Graduate course will provide the basic knowledge and the most important design trade-offs of phased array antennas that are used for civil and military applications. This class will put emphasis on the critical evaluation of the performance of phased array antenna systems, especially for atmospheric applications. Factors that are important for high-performance radar and communication systems, such as scanning performance, phased array antenna architectures, feed-networks, mutual coupling, infinite and finite active arrays, T/R modules and technologies, multibeam arrays, adaptive arrays and sidelobe cancellers, will be introduced.
Syllabus on Fundamentals of Phased Array Antennas

ECE 5990: Special studies: Practical Antenna and Array Design
Semester: Fall or Spring
Graduate level class special studies. The students will learn the basics of antenna design, CAD tools (HFSS, CTS, and FEKO), fabrication and measurement process (Near-Field and Far-Field). The student will design different types antennas (monopole, helix, dipoles, loops, MS Patch, printed dipole, Vivaldi's, slots waveguide and array antennas using printed MS patchs. Printed antennas that they fabricate and measure at the Radar Innovation Lab.

Undergrad Courses
ECE 3723: Electric Circuits II
Available for Spring semester only
Analysis of electrical circuits in both the time and the frequency domains. Continuation of AC circuit theory, use of two-port network theorems, impulse response, convolution, and differential equations. Laplace and Fourier transform analysis of electrical circuits. Students will develop skill in the use of analysis techniques for continuous time circuits and linear systems. In so doing, students will demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge of mathematics and the engineering process.

Short Course and Tutorials in Phase Array Antennas
​Short Course at the 2015 AMS Radar Conference at Norman OK. “Phased Short Course on DualPolarized Phased Array Antennas for Weather Radars”, Jorge Salazar and Caleb Fulton. (4 hours)
This short course covered an introduction to phased array antennas for atmospheric research, short presentations of existing phased array radars (ground-based, airborne and spaceborne), and provide an overview of applications in atmospheric research. The main focus is to introduce the most important challenges in the use of phased array antennas for atmospheric research: Dual polarization and calibration. A discussion of practical design consideration for dual-polarized active phased array will be included, followed by a live demonstration of antenna performance in an anechoic chamber.
​Short Course at the 2018 IEEE Radar Conference at OK. "New Trends in Phased Array Antennas and Calibration" Jorge Salazar and Caleb Fulton. (4 hours)
The phased array antenna tutorial provided the basic knowledge and the most important design tradeoffs of current and future phased array antennas for civil and military applications. This tutorial put emphasis on the critical evaluation of the performance of multifunction phased array antenna systems. Factors that are important for high-performance radar and communication systems, such as scanning performance, phased array antenna architectures, radiating elements, feed-networks, mutual coupling, finite active arrays, T/R modules and technologies, multi-beam arrays, and new calibration trends and procedures.

Phased Array Antenna Class 2019